Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Unit 3 - Network and Computer Attacks

Textbook: Simpson, Michael T. Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense. Thomson Course Technology, 2006.

Textbook - Chapter 3, pp. 39–57

Review Questions (RQ): Chapter 3, pp. 57–59 Assignment due in class.

Security + labsim CD
• 1.1.1 Examining a Denial of Service Attack
• 1.1.2 Hacking Resources
• 1.1.3 Keystroke Logging
• 1.1.4 Using a Virus Scanner
• 1.1.5 Scanning for SpyWare
• 1.2.1 Researching Virus Hoaxes
After viewing these demonstrations, answer the following questions:
1. In your opinion, when does keystroke logging pose the greatest risk as an exploit?
2. What is the best way of preventing keystroke logging?
3. In your opinion, how effective are spyware scanning tools?

Deliverables and format: Assignment due in class.
Submit your answers in a Microsoft Word document.
Font: Arial; 11 Line Spacing: Double

Complete Activity 3-5, Chapter 3, pp.53 from your textbook Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense.

Deliverables and format: Assignment due in class.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document.
Font: Arial; 11 Line Spacing: Double

Participation Assignment (PA1):
Title: Most Dangerous Malware
1. Based upon the class discussion which of the following,according to you, is the most dangerous:
• A virus
• A worm
• A Trojan horse
• A Spyware
2. Why do you think so? Explain by comparing your choice with the other types of malware. In addition, substantiate your response with logical reasons and references to the destruction caused by your choice.
3. You need to respond to the answers provided by your peers in this class in the following manner:
• Similar perspectives: Substantiate the response of a peer who concurs your perspective.
• Different perspectives: Justify YOUR perspective to a peer with a different point of view.

Deliverables and format: Due before the next class.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document.
Font: Arial; 11 Line Spacing: Double

Submit each assignment type as a separate attachment (CA1, LABs, RQ, PA1)

Refer to General Course Information for Email and Assignment Instructions.